Know Trees Harmful Pests and Beetles-1You love your trees. They shade your home and yard in the hot days of summer and beautify your property all year round. The trouble is that you’re not the only one who loves them. A growing number of pests are also attracted to trees, and they can do plenty of damage. Tree services in Buford, GA, are getting more calls every year from concerned homeowners. Here are a few of the pests causing major tree problems.

Emerald Ash Bore

These little green insects are devastating stands of ash trees across the eastern half of the United States. A native of Asia, the emerald ash bore hitched a ride on shipments from overseas and was first noticed in Michigan in 2002. Ever since then, it has been hitching rides across the country, often in loads of infected firewood. The metallic green bugs bore into ash trees and lay eggs, from which larvae hatch and then eat away at the living cambium layer. Ash trees can be inoculated to prevent infection. But, once infection is severe, removal of the tree is the only option.

Gypsy Moth

Another invasive species, gypsy moths first became a nuisance in the New England states after being introduced from Europe. Since then, they have spread throughout much of the eastern half of the country. The larvae are voracious eaters and can defoliate trees very quickly. They are also indiscriminate eaters that attack a wide variety of tree species. If trees become overly stressed, the defoliation can lead to their demise. Control methods include wrapping tree trunks with sticky bands to limit larval movement and applying biological controls to kill larvae.

Asian Longhorn Beetle

Another invader from overseas is the Asian longhorn beetle. This is another insect in which the larvae are the problem by eating away at the cambium layer of the tree. These beetles exhibit a fondness for maple species, but they will attack many other species, too. Currently, there aren’t good remedies to control the beetles other than removing an infected tree. If you suspect Asian longhorn beetle, it’s best to contact a company offering tree removal in Buford, GA. While always sad to lose a tree, it’s best to remove it as soon as possible to prevent the beetles from spreading to other trees.

Elm Bark Beetle

Know Trees Harmful Pests and Beetles-2These beetles have caused great harm to the American elm throughout the nation. It’s not the beetle itself that harms the tree, but rather a fungus called Dutch elm disease that the beetles carry and spread from elm to elm. It’s also possible for an infected tree to spread the disease to a neighboring healthy tree through underground root grafts. Infected trees start to develop yellow patches and dieback in their canopies. Before infection sets in, healthy elms can be injected with treatments to boost their resistance.

Pine Bark Beetle

Conifers, such as pine trees, are not immune from the ravages of pests. The pine bark beetle is a prime example. An infestation of this insect can quickly turn the living green crowns of pines to dead brown masses. Control of the beetles is primarily a preventative measure with an insecticidal treatment on healthy trees. Once a tree has become infested, there is little that can be done except removal of the tree. If there are pine bark beetles in your vicinity, it’s best to treat your trees as a preventative before a problem occurs.

Protect Your Trees Today

Mature trees are something to be valued. Unfortunately, there are many insect pests that could rob you of the joy that your trees provide. To keep your trees healthy, you should consult with certified arborists from a tree service in Buford, GA. Arborists can give the best advice on how to battle the bugs.